The reason I start collecting real hardware is that emulation introduce latency which I couldn’t remember back in the days. So I started to minimize the lag with using real hardware like computers, consoles and CRT screens. I tried several times a Raspberry PI as emulation solution but it didn’t convince me. The PI as replacement project is running well like the PiStorm and MT32-Pi.
I bought an arcade cabinet with the future in mind. The Pandora SAGA XII is emulation and it was bothering me. I knew about the MiSTer project. When the jama solutions were available I was sure I wanted one to built in my cabinet. Due to hardware shortages I had to wait long time before I could buy one.
I want to thank Ricardo from for supporting me with all of my questions. He listened very well to my specific usage of the MiSTer.
First I’m going to make the MiSTer familiar to me. So many features and information. Happy that the communities of RetroRGB and Jotego (and many others) help for enjoying this project.
Dual Band WiFi and Bluetooth USB Adapter
Rii X8 Mini Wireless Multimedia Keyboard Touchpad Combo