LogiLink UA0341v1 5.25 MultiFunction FrontPanel

When you use retro computers and consoles you are familiar with dealing with memory cards. Sometimes preparing those memory cards in your modern computer is way faster and user-friendly than in the system itself. I use a 5.25 USB 2.0 card reader from LogiLink, the UA0341. Be aware it’s mentioned as USB3.0 hub but the card reader is connected via the USB 2.0 header. See the maximum speed of 19 MB/s on the CF Card reader test I did.

SD Card:
Atari 2600 via Harmony
Atari 600XL via Lotharek SIO2SD
Commodore C16, VIC20 and C64 via Cassiopei v2.0
Commodore C-128D in C64 mode via SD2IEC
Sega DreamCast via GDemu v5.5
Sega GameGear via EverDrive GG
Sega MegaDrive via Mega EverDrive v1
ZX Spectrum via DivMMC Pro

MicroSD Card:
Lynx II via LynxSD

CF Card:
Commodore Amiga 2000 via BackPlane CF Card
Commodore Amiga 4000 via BackPlane CF Card
PC IDE replacement for HDD via 4GB CF Card
