In Dutch we say “Vloeken in de kerk” which translates to English in “Cursing in the Church”. In normal language saying things you can’t say loud out in public. This is what I’m going to do now. As I like original hardware I really enjoy the emulation what the Pandora SAGA XII is doing in my Arcade cabinet. Let me say it isn’t as bad I thought it would be. I played some games and it was a real blast. Playing Arcades in my teens was really a joy. The games were more sophisticated than on our home computers and/or consoles. In the late 1970s and 1980s the arcade machines were superior. In the 1990s the computer and console power made the arcade cabinet obsolete.
I have fond memories of the many games I played in the Arcades, single player but also multiplayer with friends. That’s why I wanted a two player arcade cabinet. Co-op was very fun to do. Playing while standing is something we don’t do much nowadays. Inserting a coin for a game which was very hard to get more coins (in my case the Dutch Guilder) of you…

Here are some internal photos:

Back in 1982 I was in a bar called Cafe Den Dolhaart which is/was located in Sint Pieter. I played on an arcade but I never recalled the name. Some years ago I found it was Bagman from 1982. Now I can play it at home on my own arcade. Fond memories of this game.

Bubble Bobble was very playable on the C64 and Amiga but playing it while standing is awesome.
Arcade cabinet hardware inside:
Dell Professional P2312H 23″ FullHD LED Monitor
Pandora SAGA XII